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NOTE 1: Dear Village, about Cavitation, No Reason, White Witch of Tenerife, Conscious Feelings, Building Love That Lasts, Goodnight Feelings, plus their translations into other languages, and other books written by Possibilitators and/or published by Thoughtware Press, I ask you to consider a different gameplan than donating your book to the Possibilitator Library. Right now, you may be using the gameplan of buying one copy and then passing it along for free as a service to many Possibilitators who already know the value of thoughtware upgrade and Possibility Management. But these books were written to be seeds planted everywhere in the world so that OTHER people can find this work and the Distinctions to upgrade their thoughtware to Archiarchy. There is a lot of energy that goes into writing a book: writing it for months or years, editing it, publishing it, printing it, and sending them around. Right now, Clinton and I (Anne-Chloé) are doing that work almost exclusively alone. The effort that goes into creating a book is NOT so that only one copy gets circulated around to every Possibilitator's hand. The books are not actually made for Possibilitators. The idea is to get as many books circulating to as many different people around the world so that other people have access to the delightful Possibilities of Archiarchy. Some Possibilitators even buy extra copies of these books and leave them in special Cafés, on on the bookshelves of bookshops as Doorways for others to find. For this reason I am asking you to consider aligning with the gameplan of spreading as many PM books in different places as possible, instead of trying to save a little money by passing the book along to your friends. We are asking you to NOT circulate PM books into the Possibilitator Library. Do you accept changing your gameplan about PM books? Thank you for thinking about this! Love, Anne-Chloé
NOTE 2: The General Memetics team - those courageous Possibilitators creating the over 600 StartOver.xyz websites - decided to change our book links away from Amazon.com and over to Bookshop.org, an online platform that supports local bookstores. Bookshop.org offers great prices and super service, plus it is locally owned, socially conscious, and author friendly . If you are willing to buy your books through the links we provide below, then a small percentage of what you pay will go into a fund for General Memetics. Our promise to you is that we will use whatever money we receive from Bookshop.org to continue expanding and deepening StartOver.xyz, the massively-multiplayer free-to-play online-and-offline matrix-building thoughtware-upgrade personal-transformation real-life adventure-game, open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to everyone in the world.
NOTE 3: It is wonderful to read together in a Study Group or other Team, either online or offline, and then to enter a sharing and context-deepening space to ask these questions out loud together:
- How does it go, reading to Build Matrix?
- How useful is reading fiction, as distinct from non-fiction?
- What is actually happening when I’m reading a StartOver.xyz website?
- How about when I’m reading an article at Jewels Of Possibility?
- How does reading make a difference in conscious evolution on Earth?
- How can I read in a way that feeds all five of my bodies?
NOTE 4: Please be sure to register your book-reading Matrix Points online at the StartOver.xyz platform. The Matrix Code for each Possibilitator Book is listed below.
Possibilitators around the world are sharing their Possibility Books
by carrying or sending books to other Possibilitators who want to read them next.
Possibilitator Library is filled with books becoming legends!
- The Possibilitator Library is a virtual library with real paper books.
- Reading books from the Possibilitator Recommended List helps to build important Matrix needed by a Possibilitator.
- We have found that reading Possibilitator Library books made from organic materials builds more Matrix than reading eBooks on a kindle. Perhaps it is because physical books have a smell and a feel that eBooks do not. Perhaps it because other Possibilitators have held these books in their hands and focused their Attention on the book for hours at a time, and signed them and dated them. Perhaps it is because these truly are Books Becoming Legends.
- Possibilitator Library works like this: Either you ask the online Possibilitator Village Telegram Group if anybody can send you one of the books you want to read next, or you post a book you have just finished reading to the Possibility Village Telegram Group when you are finished reading it. (You can download Telegram HERE.)
- The current holder of any Possibilitator Library Book does not own the book.
- The current holder of any Possibilitator Library Book promises to read the book cover to cover within 3 months, and then offer it back to the Possibiltiy Village Telegram Group again.
- The holder of any Possibilitator Library Book promises not to put the book on their shelf and forget about it, thinking they will read it 'sometime' or 'eventually'.
- The holder of any Possibilitator Library Book promises to somehow get any Possibilitator Library Book in their possession to the next Possibilitator who wants to read this book by handing it over to them personally during a Possibility Lab, delivering the book through nomadic Possibilitators traveling in their direction, or paying the costs for sending it by snail mail.
- The holder of any Possibilitator Library Book promises to sign and date inside the cover of the book after they have read the book making sure to leave plenty of space for many many readers to further sign their name.
- The holder of any Possibilitator Library Book promises to lovingly care for any Possibilitator Library Book in their possession, and to use high quality paper glue to repair any minor damages that may have occurred during reading or shipping.
- The reader of any Possibilitator Library Book promises to record their Matrix Points for reading a Possibilitator Library book in their free personal online Matrix Point Account at https://login.startover.xyz.
It builds Possibilitator Matrix to package Possibilitator Books for shipping without using any plastic!
This is a valuable positive use for making fun and profit with your Box's neurosis!
Here is how:
Collect up your TPP (technopenuriaphobia) tools and materials. To pack your book without plastic you will need scrap cardboard, jute or twine made from natural cactus fibers, and tools for cutting your carboard to the right size, a pointed tool for punching holes through the folded over cardboard through which you can sew the cardboard shut with a 'twine needle' you make.
NOTE: Double or triple corrugated cardboad has the proper strength to hold the sewing holes without ripping through. You can easily find cardboard behind most shops, some of the millions of tons of cardboard being 'thrown away' by shops around the world each day.
Did you ever stop to wonder where 'away' is on a planet?
While designing how much cardboard to cut, be sure to include enough extra space beyond the book's size and the edge of the folded-over cardboard so that the holes you punch are far enough back from the edge that they won't rip out. About 2 centimeters is plenty. Fatter books, or multiple books in one package, require more extra space for folding the cardboard around the books.
Carefully punch holes through both layers of the cardboard at the same time so they are in the same place, for easier sewing.
NOTE: Twisting the tool back-and-forth as you punch through the cardboard means you can use less force to make the hole. BE CAUTIOUS! Even a screw driver can cut your finger when making these holes.
Make your own twine needle by unfolding a large metal paper clip, and then using pliers to bend over a small closed loop in one ene. Pass one end of your twine through the loop in the needle, and you are ready to begin sewing.
NOTE: You will need two to three times the length of twine as the length of the perimeter you plan to sew.
Start by tieing a knot in the twine through the first holes, and end by tieing a knot in the twine through the last holes. Make your sewing snug but not so tight that it cuts through the cardboard.
NOTE: If you tuck the loose ends of the knotted twine under a few loops of the sewed up twine, your knots will stay knotted, your package will look more elegant, and the Post Office Lady will not have to worry that loose ends of your twine might get caught up in the Post Office conveyor belts.
Voila! It is now time to go do your 'Stand In Line At The Post Office' Experiments!
Thoughtware Upgrades were never so Fun and exciting as this!
(Books are listed alphabetically by title ignoring the words 'a' and 'the'.)
All of the Above by Timothy Scott Bennett, book 1,
followed by its sequal: Rumi's Field
Matrix Code BOOK0257.00
When President Linda Travis is briefed at gunpoint and told of the human-alien conspiracy that secretly controls her government, she does something none of her predecessors thought to do: she runs. During the chase that ensues, from the rural mountains of Vermont to the arctic wilderness of Bathurst Island, through the underground blackness of the aliens’ Ottawa Lodge to the bewildering landscapes of the astral realm, Linda encounters both obstacles and aid where she least expects them. Along the way, she is forced to face fully the converging crises of energy, economy, and environment that threaten the entire world, and to confront deep assumptions about the nature of reality itself. Only by doing so is she able to see clearly what she must do to help her people.
Book 2 in this series is Rumi's Field. See below.
(The Tales of) Alvin Maker Series by Orson Card
Matrix Code BOOK0236.00, BOOK0237.00, BOOK0238.00, BOOK0239.00, BOOK0240.00, BOOK0241.00
The Tales of initiation, knacks, hexes and magic at the frontier of American colonization of what is now called the United States of America. You will meet more than one Possibilitator in these Tales, and hear about how they discover and develop their Knacks (a Nonmaterial Value). Alvin needs to learn the trade of 'Making' to become who he is and create the Crystal City, yet there is no one to show him how it goes. Only with the help of his friends, his lover, stangers, and enemies can Alvin's Being take the shape needed for his Archetypal Lineage to come through into the world. All six books are on the Mage Book List.
The Tales of Alvin Maker series in order:
Seventh Son
Red Prophet
Prentice Alvin
Alvin Journeyman
The Crystal CityCat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
Matrix Code BOOK0107.00
This book is a little depressing, but not unrealistic. Here is where Vonnegut first introduces distinctions about cultural relativity, meaning your culture is no more real and valid than the culture of the people you are trying to belittle or eradicate. No wonder the Americans, Australians, Japanese, Chinese, etc. could thoughtlessly and arrogantly wipe out original inhabitants thinking, "Our culture is better than your culture if we can kill you." No wonder Hernando Cortez and the other Catholic Portuguese and Spanish Conquistadores rubbed small-pox puss into blankets and gave them generously as "vergiftet" gifts to the Incas, Aztecs, Mayans and other natives of the Americas, knowingly exterminating 93% of original populations. No wonder there could be Apartheid and racism and ongoing war between Jewish/American Christians and Muslims. We were not yet initiated into cultural relativity. Fortunately that is happening now... One of the characters in Cat's Cradle, Bokonon, is definitely a Possibility Manager. The book is full of useful models and new words, such as 'grand falloon' and 'karass' which have successfully entered next-culture vocabulary, to join words like 'grok' from Robert Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land.
Cavitation: the emergence of Archiarchy by Clinton Callahan
Matrix Code BOOK0271.00
Human cultures are infantile. Planet Earth is paying the price. Gaia decides to intervene. Now that Matriarchy and Patriarchy have run their course, something else is emerging: the initiation-centered, nonmaterial-value, radical-responsibility culture called... Archiarchy.
Cavitation does not merely invite you into a storyworld by using your imagination. Instead it tells the kind of stories that pull the rug out from under your belief system and drop you into a new reality by giving you models not bound by the limitations of your current worldview. This is a book of doorways to seemingly impossible worlds. But when you go through a doorway, the new world is no longer impossible, because the book gives you the tools to bring it to life yourself. - Sophia Wegele
The most exciting part for me while reading Cavitation was at some point being overtaken by the surprising experience that I am not only reading a story about transformation, but actually experiencing transformation happening in me! I began feeling strange, effervescent sensations throughout my body. The sensation corresponded to the thought or the recognition - it had the feeling of reality - that a pleasant, energizing flow was somehow coursing directly from the book through the cells of my body, drawing me into its thrilling evolutionary current. How could this be happening? It seems to me that Clinton Callahan imagines and writes all of this in a work of such clarity, such conviction and commitment, with so much playfulness and creativity, rage, sadness, love and desire, that what he imagines simply begins to acquire the force of reality. - Marc Tognotti
The Chtorr Saga by David Gerrold
Matrix Code BOOK0252.00 & BOOK0253.00 & BOOK0254.00 & BOOK0255.00
With the human population ravaged by a series of devastating plagues, the alien Chtorr arrive to begin the final phase of their invasion. Even as many on Earth deny their existence, the giant wormlike carnivores prepare the world for the ultimate violation--the enslavement of humanity for food.
1. A Matter For Men BOOK0252.00
2. A Day For Damnation BOOK0253.00
3. A Rage For Revenge BOOK0254.00
4. A Season For Slaughter BOOK0255.00
5. David Gerrold is still writing A Method For Madness, volume 5 of the 7 volume series...
Matrix Code BOOK0181.00 & BOOK0182.00
(NOTE: In Daemon, there is a particularly abusive and unnecessary scene around page 50 where Loki is in a bar - we suggest you rip these 2 or 3 pages out before reading the book.)
"Daemons: computer programs that silently run in the background, waiting for a specific event or time to execute. They power almost every service. They make our networked world possible. But they also make it vulnerable... When the obituary of legendary computer game architect Matthew Sobol appears online, a previously dormant daemon activates, initiating a chain of events that begins to unravel our interconnected world. This daemon reads news headlines, recruits human followers, and orders assassinations. Even as civil war breaks out in the American Midwest in a wave of nightmarish violence, former detective Pete Sebeck--the Daemon's most powerful, though reluctant, operative--must lead a small band of enlightened humans in a movement designed to protect the new world order. In a world of shattered loyalties, collapsing societies, and seemingly endless betrayal, the only thing worth fighting for may be nothing less than the freedom of all humankind."
Daemon is part 1, Freedom is part 2.
The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson
Matrix Code BOOK0112.00
The friendly John Percival Hackworth is a nanotechnician who just finished developing a 'book', A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer, which is actually an interactive-supercomputer designed to teach a young girl to take her authority back and think for herself in a stifling society. It performs its functions perfectly. Unfortunately Hackworth loses the book, and it falls into the hands of a street urchin whose Box is expanded by the book to the point that she changes the culture of Shanghai. As a parallel project, I am coding Possibility Management into a picture language (making a pictionary) to be loaded into the laptops being dropped into village children behind the lines of civilization through One Laptop Per Child www.wiki.laptop.org. If you want a Young Lady's Illustrated Primer for yourself (or Young Gentleman's Illustrated Primer... for that matter...) you might find it alive and waiting for you for free online at StartOver.xyz.
Dune by Frank Herbert
Matrix Code BOOK0113.00
In this saga of a young man's initiations, trainers, elders, strangers, witches and his lover deliver many Possibility Management distinctions. There are numerous additional volumes in the Dune series and several films made based on these books, but none of them come close to this opening volume by Frank Herbert.
Ecotopia by Ernest Callenbach
Matrix Code BOOK0116.00
The setting is the early 21st century. Ecotopia is a new country made out of what used to be Northern California, Oregon, and Washington. It has been independent for several decades. At last, an official visitor from New York is admitted: Will Weston, top investigative reporter. Like a modern Gulliver, Weston is sometimes horrified sometimes impressed despite himself, and sometimes touched by the strange practices he encounters - which include ritual war games, collective ownership and operation of farms and factories, and an attention to trees and reforestation which borders on tree-worship.
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
Matrix Code BOOK0117.00
The best book on team leadership and the function of practice I have ever found. In 2013 a film based on the Ender's Game books was released. The pictures are pretty exciting but the film fails to capture the wonderful and astonishing energy and teambuilding spirit delivered by the book.
The Fifth Sacred Thing by Starhawk
Matrix Code BOOK0260.00
Imagine a world without poverty, hunger, or hatred, where a rich culture honors its diverse mix of races, religions, and heritages, and the Four Sacred Things that sustain all life - earth, air, fire, and water - are valued unconditionally. Now imagine the opposite: a nightmare world in which an authoritarian regime polices an apartheid state, access to food and water is restricted to those who obey the corrupt official religion, women are property of their husbands or the state, and children are bred for prostitution and war. The best and worst of our possible futures are poised to clash in twenty-first-century California, and the outcome rests on the wisdom and courage of one clan caught in the conflict.
Glory Road by Robert A. Heinlein
Matrix Code BOOK0229.00
"E. C. Scar Gordon was on the French Riviera recovering from a tour of combat in Southeast Asia, but he hadn't given up his habit of scanning the Personals in the newspaper. One ad in particular leapt out at him: ARE YOU A COWARD? This is not for you. We badly need a brave man. He must be 23 to 25 years old, in perfect health, at least six feet tall, weigh about 190 pounds, fluent English, with some French, proficient in all weapons, some knowledge of engineering and mathematics essential, willing to travel, no family or emotional ties, indomitably courageous and handsome of face and figure. Permanent employment, very high pay, glorious adventure, great danger. You must apply in person, rue Dante, Nice, 2me étage, apt. D. How could you not answer an ad like that, especially when it seemed to describe you perfectly? "
Goodnight Feelings by Clinton Callahan, illustrated by Timo Wuerz
Matrix Code BOOK0115.00
Good Night Feelings invites little ones and big ones to round out their day together during picture-enhanced heart-to-heart sharing. Any sad moments, strong or subtle frustrations, spurts of fear, and ripples of joy – all are completed and washed away during this safely guided and respectful exchange that occurs while reading the book together. Each feeling has a right to exist. When you listen carefully to your own feelings and the feelings of others, the feelings can explain interactions and heal wounds that logical thinking could never resolve. The book empties your emotional garbage can for a good night's rest and a fresh start in the morning. Good Night Feelings could become the most exciting book on your child's shelf because each time you read it together new stories emerge with surprising depth and freshness.
Also available in German as Gute Nacht Gefühle from Next Culture Press
Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Matrix Code BOOK0125.00
This book is humorous, touching and no-nonsense adventures about remembering our true nature. The questioning and answering of both characters is an inner discovery for everyone who is on the path. Flying lessons guaranteed.
Illusions 2: the Adventures of a Reluctant Student by Richard Bach
Matrix Code BOOK0231.00
The sequel is also recommended.
Ishmael by Daniel Quinn
Matrix Code BOOK0129.00
An adventure for the mind and the spirit. Daniel Quinn said, "Something better than civilization is waiting for us." He knows what he is talking about.
Island by Aldous Huxley
Matrix Code BOOK0130.00
This is one of the 4 next culture community books I recommend to people, along with Ecotopia by Ernest Callenbach, The Kin Of Ata Are Waiting For You by Dorothy Bryant, and Watch The North Wind Rise by Robert Graves.
The Kin Of Ata Are Waiting For You by Dorothy Bryant
Matrix Code BOOK0132.00
An excellent story about the transformations that can occur while encountering a working community. Highly recommended.
The Knitting Circle Rapist Annihilation Squad by Derrick Jensen
Matrix Code BOOK0192.00
This is a novel of serious intentions, that women band together and empower each other to step out of the patriarchal empire and protect themselves from uninitiated adolescent patriarchal 'men' without hesitation. Yay Derrick Jensen!
The Magus by John Fowles
Matrix Code BOOK0172.00
From an Amazon book review by Robert Janda: "I was surprised to see this book rated so low with only 3 stars as I feel this is one of the best novels I have ever read. It is the story of a wealthy benefactor who, each year, picks a fated individual and infuses his world with events and characters designed to bring him to terms with himself and to evolve his consciousness. Don't miss it."
And from another review by Pete Wilkins: "The Magus has inspired legions of fans and no small number of readers who are still asking, "What was that?" Having read both versions, I prefer the revised edition, but there is not a huge difference between the two. The new introduction, however, provides some fascinating insights into a novel that continues to amaze and perplex readers, including this one. If you haven't read it yet, I strongly recommend The Magus. But be prepared - the novel will lull you in with lush descriptions of the Greek Isles before blowing your mind with Urfe's bizarre encounter with intrigue, betrayal, and ultimately (perhaps?) redemption."
The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein
Matrix Code BOOK0136.00
This is the story of a core group of people (and one computer) organizing independence from an oppressive corporatocracy. Sound familiar? In this book Robert Heinlein gives the instructions for how to create a radically-responsible local-authority nonlinear and collaborative revolutionary organization. Check it out. We call it http://3cells.org.
Mount Analogue by René Daumal
Matrix Code BOOK0138.00
Here is an amazing archetypal story about the initiatory path of discovery, evolution, and group work. Mr. Daumal died half-way through writing this short book from a long illness. René's incredible wife, Vera Milanova, saw the importance of René's book and provided important notes at the back of the book about where René would have taken the remainder of the story. The notes are like finding precious missing pieces of a treasure map.
The Number of the Beast by Robert Heinlein
Matrix Code BOOK0137.00
This is a rollicking Heinlein story of teamwork between two couples. Indeed, many Possibility Management communication skills are demonstrated.
On the surface, the book is about two men and two women who are attacked by aliens and then embark on roller coaster ride of an adventure through a myriad of universes. But as Jack Kirwan wrote in The National Review, "Describing The Number of the Beast thusly is like saying Moby Dick is about a one-legged guy trying to catch a fish."
The Number of the Beast is an homage to science fiction, to Robert Heinlein's friends, and to characters we meet in other Heinlein books, also serving as a parody and a lesson to anyone willing to listen, in a way only Robert A. Heinlein could have presented it.
NOTE: We strongly recommend reading The Number of the Beast, and NOT reading it's 'parallel novel' released in 2020 titled: In Pursuit of the Pankara'. You have been warned!)
Odd John by Olaf Stapledon
Matrix Code BOOK0171.00
"John Wainwright is a freak, a human mutation with an extraordinary intelligence which is both awesome and frightening to behold. Ordinary humans are mere playthings to him. And Odd John has a plan to create a new order on Earth, a new supernormal species. But the world is not ready for such a change." The point is that most of you studying books in this list of Possibility Books and Building Matrix are already genius, by ordinary standards, not so different from John Wainwright. Some of what he goes through in this story is what you are going through in your life, for example, looking for your Tribe... This book is a must-read for Trainer Pathians. Also read Olaf Stapledon's other book: Star Maker.
The Peripheral and Agency and _____ by William Gibson
The Peripheral Matrix Code BOOK0272.00
Flynne Fisher lives down a country road, in a rural America where jobs are scarce, unless you count illegal drug manufacture, which she's trying to avoid. Her brother Burton lives on money from the Veterans Administration, for neurological damage suffered in the Marines' elite Haptic Recon unit. Flynne earns what she can by assembling product at the local 3D printshop. She made more as a combat scout in an online game, playing for a rich man, but she's had to let the shooter games go.
Wilf Netherton lives in London, seventy-some years later, on the far side of decades of slow-motion apocalypse. Things are pretty good now, for the haves, and there aren't many have-nots left. Wilf, a high-powered publicist and celebrity-minder, fancies himself a romantic misfit, in a society where reaching into the past is just another hobby.
Burton's been moonlighting online, secretly working security in some game prototype, a virtual world that looks vaguely like London, but a lot weirder. He's got Flynne taking over shifts, promised her the game's not a shooter. Still, the crime she witnesses there is plenty bad.
Flynne and Wilf are about to meet one another. Her world will be altered utterly, irrevocably, and Wilf's, for all its decadence and power, will learn that some of these third-world types from the past can be badass.
The Peripheral and Agency and _____ by William Gibson
Agency Matrix Code BOOK0273.00
Verity Jane, gifted app whisperer, takes a job as the beta tester for a new product: a digital assistant, accessed through a pair of ordinary-looking glasses. "Eunice," the disarmingly human AI in the glasses, manifests a face, a fragmentary past, and a canny grasp of combat strategy. Realizing that her cryptic new employers don't yet know how powerful and valuable Eunice is, Verity instinctively decides that it's best they don't.
Meanwhile, a century ahead in London, in a different time line entirely, Wilf Netherton works amid plutocrats and plunderers, survivors of the slow and steady apocalypse known as 'the jackpot'. His boss, the enigmatic Ainsley Lowbeer, can look into alternate pasts and nudge their ultimate directions. Verity and Eunice are her current project. Wilf can see what Verity and Eunice can't: their own version of the jackpot, just around the corner, and the roles they both may play in it.
NOTE: William Gibson usually writes books in series of 3, so theoretically he is writing volume three of the 'jackpot' series now. One snag is that Amazon Prime made a TV series of a mixture of The Peripheral and Agency, and they changed the story around... so does William Gibson follow the new Amazon Prime story, or his own? Stay tuned for the next exciting episode!
The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster, illustrated by Jules Pfeifer
Matrix Code BOOK0265.00
For Milo, everything’s a bore. When a tollbooth mysteriously appears in his room, he drives through only because he’s got nothing better to do. But on the other side, things seem different. Milo visits the Island of Conclusions (you get there by jumping), learns about time from a ticking watchdog named Tock, and even embarks on a quest to rescue Rhyme and Reason. Somewhere along the way, Milo realizes something astonishing. Life is far from dull. In fact, it’s exciting beyond his wildest dreams!
Rumi's Field by Timothy Scott Bennett, book 2 after All Of The Above
Matrix Code BOOK0258.00
President Linda Travis is whisked away by government and military forces and taken to a secure hospital where they treat her for the alien flu. Her husband and staff must fight to gain access. President Linda Travis is abducted by a member of the hidden elite and taken to Mars, where she is forced to make a choice that will determine the future of life on Earth. Both of these things are happening at the same time. From the makeshift Federal Capitol in Augusta, Maine, to the dusty Martian plains of Cydonia, from the biocontainment facility built under the President's private retreat to the secret underground city of Urbem Orsus, follow Linda and Cole and their friends and colleagues as they challenge the breakaway human conspiracy that would rule their lives.
Shogun by James Clavell
Matrix Code BOOK0150.00
An historical fiction relaying the value of traveling to cultures very different from your own and cultivating an attitude of, "Oh, interesting, how does this go here? How do you say that? I never thought of this before! Can I try that?" with lots of time spent listening and observing yourself and getting off your own culture's beliefs and superstitutions. The lesson is a practice of simply being in the awesome presence of life in a gameworld that is very different from your own, and then finding ways to relate and connect. It could be how your destiny unfolds!
Star Maker by Olaf Stapledon
Matrix Code BOOK00151.00
Star Maker is a remarkable book about very wide perspectives over time and space, and searching for what is really going on. "This bold exploration of the cosmos ventures into intelligent star clusters and mingles among alien races for a memorable vision of infinity. Cited as a key influence by science-fiction masters such as Doris Lessing, this classic has left its mark not only in modern literature but also in the fields of social anthropology and philosophy. Olaf Stapledon offers a speculative history of the future. Its narrator, a contemporary Earthman, joins a community of explorers who travel to the farthest reaches of the universe, seeking traces of intelligence. Along the way, they encounter nautiloid water beings, races of hyperspiders and hyperfish, composite group intelligences, plantlike creatures, and other strange life forms. Their dramatic voyage unfolds against a backdrop of life-and-death struggles on a cosmic scale. " (Also read Odd John)
Stranger In A Strange Land by Robert H. Heinlein
Matrix Code BOOK0193.00
"Raised by Martians on Mars, Valentine Michael Smith is a human who has never seen another member of his species. Sent to Earth, he is a stranger who must learn what it is to be a man. But his own beliefs and his powers far exceed the limits of humankind, and as he teaches them about grokking and water-sharing, he also inspires a transformation that will alter Earth's inhabitants forever..." Hmmm... doesn't this sound familiar? Something about the value of upgrading thoughtware?
Thief of Time by Terry Pratchett
Matrix Code BOOK0153.00
Time is a resource. Everyone knows it has to be managed. And on Discworld (this is Terry Pratchett's twenty-sixth Discworld Novel!!! There are 45 million Discworld Novels sold.) managing time is the job of the Monks of History, who store time and pump it from the places where it’s wasted (like underwater — how much time does a codfish need?) to places like cities where there’s never enough time. But the construction of the world’s first truly accurate clock starts a race against time for Lu Tze (The Sweeper - their equivalent of a Possibilitator) and his apprentice Lobsang Ludd. Because the clock will stop time. And that will only be the start of everyone’s problems. This is my favorite Terry Pratchett book.
Tiffany Aching Series of Terry Pratchett's Discworld Novels
Matrix Code BOOK00173.00, BOOK00174.00, BOOK00175.00, BOOK00176.00, BOOK00177.00
Sir Terry Pratchett (d. 2015) wrote a huge number of Disk World novels, something like 47. Many are amazingly aligned with Possibility Management. Many others are simply amazing. In particular for the Archetypal Lineage of Evolutionaries, the Tiffany Aching series of Disk World novels deliver tremendously valuable and practical insights into your life and work as a sorceress, wizard, witch, village healer, alchemist, trainer, edgeworker, riftwalker, village seed, bridgebuilder, possibilitator, etc. To derive the greatest benefit from reading the Tiffany Aching books, we recommend that you read them in their chronological order according to the life of Tiffany Aching. The proper order of the 5 Tiffany Aching books is:
- The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett (MATRIX CODE: BOOK0173.00)
- A Hat Full Of Sky by Terry Pratchett (MATRIX CODE: BOOK0174.00)
- Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett (MATRIX CODE: BOOK0175.00)
- I Shall Wear Midnight by Terry Pratchett (MATRIX CODE: BOOK0176.00)
- The Shepard's Crown by Terry Pratchett (MATRIX CODE: BOOK0177.00)
Time Enough for Love by Robert A. Heinlein
Matrix Code BOOK0194.00
Time Enough for Love follows Lazarus Long through a vast and magnificent timescape of centuries and worlds. Heinlein's longest and most ambitious work, it is the story of a man so in love with Life that he refused to stop living it; and so in love with Time that he became his own ancestor.
NOTE: The story of Time Enough for Love actually starts in a short Heinlein book titled, Methuselah's Children. We recommend you read Methuselah's Children before reading Time Enough for Love. Then you will get the background story out of which Time Enough for Love launches like a rocket.
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Matrix Code BOOK0160.00
A young girl's look on the world of grown-ups. There is a culture-to-culture conversation that runs through the book through the eyes of an innocent but not stupid girl named Scout. "I came to the conclusion that people are peculiar," is what she decides at 9 years of age, after observing the ways of the adults in her hometown: Maycomb, Alabama in the 1930's. This is a romanticized handbook about how to question the culture that you were born in without falling in the traps of being either adaptive or defensive.
Treason by Orson Scott Card
Matrix Code BOOK0118.00
Treason is a planet of exhile for multiple races of beings, each of whom have created entirely different ways of relating with their world and with each other in (believable) and mind-blowing cultures. The protagonist's survival depends on him/her journeying from culture to culture and providing value for the local people in their own value system - just as a Possibility Management Trainer must to. Therefore, Treason is a must-read for anyone on the Possibility Management Trainer Path. An exciting idea is to read it together in an online Study Group!
Veronica Decides To Die by Paulo Coelho
Matrix Code BOOK0154.00
Life reveals a secret vitality once you free yourself from concepts about life.
Watch The North Wind Rise by Robert Graves
Matrix Code BOOK0155.00
This book has been published under the title Seven Days of Milk and Honey, and sometimes under the title Seven Days In New Crete. All titles are out of print. This is Robert Graves' story about a poet who is abducted into a post-civilization future a thousand years from now. Clocks and machinery have disappeared. Paper is rejected because of the evils of bureaucracy. Money is banished because it misbehaved. Magicians are important and so are rituals, handicrafts, and love. The people have adopted the principle, "Nothing without love." Everyone worships a Mother Goddess, and life is local and personal. Villages war against each other in dramatic fashion - but only on Tuesdays, and no one gets hurt. Graves' story has history, reality and a stunning inner logic.
"Watch The North Wind Rise is a book so rich in style and plot, so profoundly mythic and at the same time so lightly comic, that there is simply no way to communicate its full flavor." (The Washington Post)
It is one of the four books we recommend that you read about next-culture community, along with The Kin Of Ata Are Waiting For You by Dorothy Bryant, Island by Aldous Huxley, and Ecotopia by Ernest Callenbach.
The Wizard Of Earthsea by Ursula K. LeGuinn (3 books series)
Matrix Code BOOK0159.00
An initiatory journey of Ged, an young magician's apprentice, to face and conquer (if he can) the dark forces he set forth on the planet of Earthsea. There are four books in this series. They are all good, although, as usual, the first is best. There is also a film by the same name and it is pretty good, too. But read the 3 books first, and then the condensed story in the film will make more sense.
The Worthing Saga by Orson Scott Card
Matrix Code BOOK0178.00
Mutiple stories spanning millenia, of a galactic gameworld for the superwealthy, and the one man, Abner Doon, who must take it apart. Of distance healers who must sacrifice their healing so people can feel their own pain as feedback from the Universe.
Learn how to access these healers directly yourself, in reality, at http://worthinghealers.mystrikingly.com.
Wyrms by Orson Scott Card
Matrix Code BOOK0256.00
The sphere is alien in origin, but has been controlled by man for millennia. A legend as old as the stars rules this constructed world: When the seventh seventh seventh human Heptarch is crowned, he will be the Kristos and will bring eternal salvation . . . or the destruction of the cosmos.
Patience is the only daughter of the rightful Heptarch, but she, like her father before her, serves the usurper who has destroyed her family. For she has learned the true ruler's honor: Duty to one's race is more important than duty to one's self.
But the time for prudence has passed, and that which has slept for ages has awakened. And Patience must journey to the heartsoul of this planet to confront her destiny . . . and her world's.
(Books are listed alphabetically by title ignoring the words 'a' and 'the'.)
1491: New Revelations Of The Americas Before Columbus by Charles Mann
Matrix Code BOOK0101.00
Most Western history books describe North and South America before Columbus arrived in 1492 as a vast, underused territory, sparsely populated by primitives whose cultures would bow before the advanced technologies of the Europeans. For decades, though, among the archaeologists, anthropologists, paleolinguists, and others whose discoveries Charles C. Mann brings together in 1491, different stories have been emerging. Among the revelations: the first Americans may not have come over the Bering land bridge around 12,000 B.C. but by boat along the Pacific coast 10 or even 20 thousand years earlier; the Americas were a far more urban and populated with bigger cities than Europe at the time, with healthier people, bigger trade routes, and more technologically advanced than white people assume; and the Indians, rather than living in static harmony with nature, radically engineered the landscape across the continents, to the point that even 'timeless' natural features like the Amazon rain forest can be seen as products of human intervention. This is an important and totally eye-opening book. e.g. One linguist was compiling a dictionary of the language of the inhabitants of the horn of South America which consisted mostly of relationship words and verbs. The linguist died before his dictionary was completed, yet it already contained more words than the English Oxford Dictionary of the time.
7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey (in German - Die 7 Wege zur Effektivität: Prinzipien für persönlichen und beruflichen Erfolg)
Matrix Code BOOK0228.00
This beloved classic presents a principle-centered approach for solving both personal and professional problems. With penetrating insights and practical anecdotes, many of which mirror Possibility Management distinctions and tools, Stephen R. Covey reveals a step-by-step pathway for living with fairness, integrity, honesty, and human dignity--principles that give us the security to adapt to change and the wisdom and power to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates.
Matrix Code BOOK0200.00
7 Rules You Were Born to Break is an exploration of 7 rules we unconsciously obey and the power of breaking them. This book reveals the secrets of a professional misbehaver who turned his passion for mischief into a successful career as an internationally renowned entertainer. In his rise from the streets as a juggler, jester and busker, to the banquet halls of the corporate elite as a headlining comedian, Rick Lewis faced the 7 hidden rules that oppose our fulfillment and success. Lewis guides us through the silent shadows of our rule-oriented society through his performing stories, illustrating with warmth, humor and passion the unwritten laws that disempower us and which we must break to claim our birthright to excellence.
A Language Older Than Words by Derrick Jensen
Matrix Code BOOK0259.00
At once a beautifully poetic memoir and an exploration of the various ways we live in the world, A Language Older than Words explains violence as a pathology that touches every aspect of our lives, and indeed affects all aspects of life on earth. This chronicle of a young man’s drive to transcend domestic abuse offers a challenging look at our worldwide sense of community, and how we can make things better.
A People's History Of The United States by Howard Zinn
Matrix Code BOOK0163.00
"Known for its lively, clear prose as well as its scholarly research, it is the only volume to tell America's story from the point of view of - and in the words of - America's women, factory workers, African-Americans, Native Americans, the working poor, and immigrant laborers. As Zinn shows, many of our country's greatest battles -the fights for a fair wage, an eight-hour workday, child-labor laws, health and safety standards, universal suffrage, women's rights, racial equality -were carried out at the grassroots level, against bloody resistance. Covering Christopher Columbus's arrival through President Clinton's first term."
The Alchemy Of Love And Sex by Lee Lozowick
Matrix Code BOOK0102.00
Here are collected insights, secrets and practices for navigating the evolving dynamics of physical and energetic intimacies with your partner.
The Alchemy Of Transformation by Lee Lozowick
Matrix Code BOOK0103.00
From the Baul perspective, ongoing transformation is the way of life and love. Warning: Significant Box expansion.
Ancient Futures by Helena Norberg-Hodge
Matrix Code BOOK0167.00
When Helena Norberg-Hodge first arrived in Ladakh, in northern India, she found a pristine environment and a people who exhibited remarkable vitality and joy. But then came economic growth and development. Over the last four decades, a whole range of problems—from polluted air and water to unemployment, religious conflict, eating disorders and youth suicide—have begun to appear for the first time. Yet this is far from a story of despair. Social and environmental breakdown, Norberg-Hodge argues, is neither inevitable nor evolutionary, but the product of political and economic decisions—and those decisions can be changed. In a new preface, she presents a kaleidoscope of projects around the world that are pointing the way to both human and ecological well-being. These initiatives are the manifestation of a rapidly growing localization movement, which works to rebuild place-based cultures—strengthening community and our connection with nature. Ancient Futures challenges us to redefine what a healthy society means and to find ways to carry centuries-old wisdom into our future.
The Aquarian Conspiracy: personal and social transformation in our time by Marilyn Ferguson
Matrix Code BOOK0104.00
A breathtaking, compelling study of the changes in work, relationships, medicine, religion and education that comprised the birth of the New Age. Now reset and redesigned in a compact volume, here is the human potential masterwork that defined the New Age.
Aquarius Now by Marilyn Ferguson
Matrix Code BOOK0105.00
What a genius of synthesis this woman was. "We have no enemy except ourselves and the mess we’ve made individually and collectively by refusing to look at what we’re doing to our bodies, our minds, our society, and the earth itself. We’ve been seduced by the cult of numbers, caught in a web of mindless materialism, obsessed with competition, with winning and losing, afraid of anything that can’t be seen or measured, and in the grip of an economic model where only that which generates more money is worth pursuing.” Back in 1982 Marilyn Ferguson's book Aquarian Conspiracy changed my life (Clinton Callahan writes this). Maybe this one will change yours. I spoke with Marilyn on the phone several times before she died rather suspiciously in 2008 from a 'heart attack'.
Matrix Code BOOK0106.00
This is a classic introduction to the Indian spiritual traditions written by one of the most respected practitioners. Many of the miracle stories he tells are unbelievable, yet, I think they are true. This is the handbook of the Self Realization Fellowship.
Matrix Code BOOK0179.00
"Paul Hawken has spent more than a decade researching organizations dedicated to restoring the environment and fostering social justice. From billion-dollar nonprofits to single-person dot.causes, these groups collectively comprise the largest movement on earth, a movement that has no name, leader, or location and that has gone largely ignored by politicians and the media. Blessed Unrest explores the diversity of the movement, its brilliant ideas, innovative strategies, and centuries of hidden history. A culmination of Hawken's many years of leadership in the environmental and social justice fields, it will inspire all who despair of the world's fate, and its conclusions will surprise even those within the movement itself."
Born To Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen by Christopher McDougall
Matrix Code BOOK0233.00
Great questions give birth to great adventures. Born to Run opens with a deceptively simple question: “How come my foot hurts?” What follows from this inquiry is a journey that passes quickly beyond the domain of Modern Culture and allopathic medicine into the wisdom of Mexico’s ancient Tarahumara running people, into the wildness of superathletes living on the fringe, into the elegance and mechanics of the human foot, into the joys of having a body, into the ecstasy of sharing life with others. “The reason we race isn’t so much to beat each other… but to be with each other.” Warning: You might ditch your running shoes after reading this book. And that might be ok.
Building Love That Lasts by Clinton Callahan
NOTE: Building Love That Lasts uses the same Matrix Code as Radiant Joy Brilliant Love, because they are the same contents under a different title.Matrix Code BOOK0263.00
This hard-hitting and innovative book about partnered relationship immediately challenges the deceptions about love and intimacy rampant in today's patriarchal culture. At the same time, Building Love That Lasts reveals a step-by-step process for discovering and living out alternative possibilities.
The author claims that even the best of our relationships are still generally basic level; what he calls “Ordinary Human Relationship.” He asserts that two more domains remain to be explored: namely, Extraordinary Human Relationship and Archetypal Love. The book describes exactly how to enter these new domains, and how to stay there long enough to cultivate genuine intimacy, nurturance, excitement and satisfaction together.
The material for this book is startlingly original and fresh, directly distilled from over thirty years of trial, error and reevaluation within seminars and trainings conducted by the author in the U.S. and Europe. The essential teaching tools are 'Thoughtmaps' that illustrate and guide the dynamics of evolving relationship, coupled with a series of experiments to be undertaken alone or with one's partner. Topics include: Making the leap from Defensive Learning to Expansive Learning. Breaking out of the relationship 'Box'. The lie of being unlovable. Navigating in the realm of Conscious Feelings. Communication skills for 'Inner Navigators'.Matrix Code BOOK0108.00
A central book for understanding Possibility Management's approach to taking radical responsibility for choosing, one of the three powers of a human being.
Coming Back To Life by Joanna Macy and Molly Brown
Matrix Code BOOK0180.00
"Personal empowerment in the face of planetary despair. Deepening global crises surround us. We are beset by climate change, fracking, tar sands extraction, GMOs, and mass extinctions of species, to say nothing of nuclear weapons proliferation and Fukushima, the worst nuclear disaster in history. Many of us fall prey to despair even as we feel called to respond to these threats to life on our planet. Authors Joanna Macy and Molly Brown address the anguish experienced by those who would confront the harsh realities of our time. In this fully updated edition of Coming Back to Life , they show how grief, anger, and fear are healthy responses to threats to life, and when honored can free us from paralysis or panic, through the revolutionary practice of the Work that Reconnects. New chapters address working within the corporate world, and engaging communities of color as well as youth in the Work."
Matrix Code BOOK0199.00
The vast majority of 'stress less' books are concerned with the modern problem of too much stress and how to reduce it. Not this one! Confident Under Pressure is about the advantages of stress, clarifying the critical role that intentionally engaged stress plays in personal and professional development.
Matrix Code BOOK0213.00
Clinton Callahan during the Gaian Road Team interviewed Barbara Marx Hubbard. I (Anne-Chloé) watched the interview. Barbara Being's radiates genuinely Love of humanity and Care for Planet Earth and the possibility that something else is possible.
Concious Feelings by Clinton Callahan, 2022
Matrix Code BOOK0247.00
The English version of Directing The Power Of Conscious Feelings has been sold out. A newly revised and updated edition titled Conscious Feelings has being released from Hohm Press with many additional distinctions and updated thoughtmaps. The experiments have been given Matrix Codes for StartOver.xyz. New sections have been added regarding White Widow, the Fifth Body, Gremlin Transformation, Decontamination of the Adult Ego State, and Radical Relating. We have learned so much through delivering Trainings, WorkTalks, and Possibility Coaching in the past 12 years. Now we have a chance to share some of it here with you! Conscious Feelings is such a powerful handbook for your Experimenting Study Group.
There is no German translation for this newly revised edition of Conscious Feelings.
Conscious Parenting by Lee Lozowick
Matrix Code BOOK0110.00
This is not your run-of-the-mill parenting book. Lee Lozowick decries the status quo of much contemporary thinking and practice about who children are and what they really need. His words have commonsense appeal, but offer no sweet consolation to those who are unwilling to make their parenting responsibilities a top priority in their lives.
Matrix Code BOOK0209.00
Allowing human nature to work successfully. Jean Liedloff spent two and a half years in the South American jungle living with Stone Age Indians. The experience demolished her Western preconceptions of how we should live and led her to a radically different view of what human nature really is. She offers a new understanding of how we have lost much of our natural well-being and shows us practical ways to regain it for our children and for ourselves.
Matrix Code BOOK0111.00
This is a central volume in the Possibility Management study books. Robert Fritz delivers many powerful and clarifying distinctions about responsibility, creating, and stepping into a life that truly matters to you. Hints from this book led Clinton Callahan to create the Bright Principles Distillation Process.
Matrix Code BOOK0242.00
Critical Path details how humanity found itself in its current situation--at the limits of the planet's natural resources and facing political, economic, environmental, and ethical crises. The crowning achievement of an extraordinary career, Critical Path offers the reader the excitement of understanding the essential dilemmas of our time and how responsible citizens can rise to meet this ultimate challenge to our future.
Matrix Code BOOK0266.00
A diary of a Spiritual Training with a Sufi Master. This diary spans five years, making up an amazing record of spiritual transformation: the agonies, the resistance, the long and frightening bouts with the purifying forces of Kundalini, the perseverance, the movements towards surrender, the longing, and finally, the all-consuming love.
Designing Regenerative Cultures by Daniel Christian Wahl
Matrix Code BOOK0183.00
"This is a 'Whole Earth Catalog' for the 21st century: an impressive and wide-ranging analysis of what's wrong with our societies, organizations, ideologies, worldviews and cultures - and how to put them right. The book covers the finance system, agriculture, design, ecology, economy, sustainability, organizations and society at large. In this remarkable book, Daniel Wahl explores ways in which we can reframe and understand the crises that we currently face, and he explores how we can live our way into the future. Moving from patterns of thinking and believing to our practice of education, design and community living, he systematically shows how we can stop chasing the mirage of certainty and control in a complex and unpredictable world. The book asks how can we collaborate in the creation of diverse regenerative cultures adapted to the unique biocultural conditions of place? How can we create conditions conducive to life?" How can we create next culture... Archiarchy?
Die Wise by Stephen Jenkinson
Matrix Code BOOK0261.00
Just as modern culture has sterilised and anaesthetised the Birthing process of all that is sacred and initiatory, it has done the same to Dying. This book gently wrestles the reader down to cold damp earth, where your death is not just a consideration that awaits you up towards your golden years. It's right here underneath you, your death at any moment now, or maybe after dinner, or perhaps tomorrow. The book is a training in presence. Though I wouldn't call it hopeful, Die Wise: A Manifesto for Sanity and Soul is full of possibility of how we might relearn how to grieve, and become acquainted with the ongoing course of our dying. But there are no 10 easy steps, or best practices given here. Quite the opposite. The book is a deeply nuanced inquiry into how we live, through the mirror of how we die.
Directing The Power Of Conscious Feelings by Clinton Callahan (translated in German by Marion Lutz: Die Kraft des bewüssten Fühlens von Clinton Callahan)
Matrix Code BOOK0114.00
NOTE: As of 2022, Directing The Power Of Conscious Feelings is sold out. Clinton Callahan has revised and expanded this book into a new edition published by Hohm Press under the title Conscious Feelings with a new Matrix Code BOOK0247.00. Find it listed above. We highly recommend reading Conscious Feelings rather than Directing the Power of Conscious Feelings so that you jump right into our latest research and findings.
The Discovery of Slowness by Sten Nadolny
Matrix Code BOOK0168.00
This book is a map for understanding a whole new domain of human potential. It is a biographical account and yet a psychological celebration. It gives you the key to escape modern culture overwhelming pressure to hurry your way through life till it is too late to live.
Dragon Dreaming by John Croft
Matrix Code BOOK0169.00
Dragon Dreaming is project design soft-technology ebook which asserts that 100% of your dreams can come true. Dragon Dreaming is a work in progress: Dragon Dreaming has emerged from the work of the Gaia Foundation in Western Australia. Dragon Dreamers from Brazil to Russia and from Canada to the Congo are part of a learning, living community, where everyone is doing their best. This e-book is just part of the developing body of information about Dragon Dreaming. http://www.dragondreaming.org/wp-content/uploads/DragonDreaming_eBook_english_V02.09.pdf
Ecovillage Living by Hildur Jackson
Matrix Code BOOK0184.00
Hildur was the wife of Ross Jackson, who is the author of Occupy Worldstreet. Ecovillage Living is a guide to everything you've always wanted to know about ecovillages, from the tools to make them happen to the people behind them. If you have ever dreamed of natural housing, water treatment systems, solar panels, composting toilets . . . If you have wanted to work close to home, have neighbors whom you know, live in a safe place for your children, or have a more harmonious lifestyle . . . If you're building a community or nanonation gameworld, and want to learn from others' experiences . . . then this is the book for you. It is an unprecedented how-to, and why account of ecovillage living, and a vibrant story of people spearheading a lifestyle which is rapidly growing into a next-culture (archiarchy) future. Also, Hildur and Ross's son Aon Solarra is vision holder for https://oberion.com.
Endgame Vol.1: The problem of civilization & Endgame Vol.2: Resistance by Derrick Jensen
Matrix Code BOOK0163.00 & BOOK0164.00
Jensen lays out a series of provocative premises, including “Civilization is not and can never be sustainable” and “Love does not imply pacifism.” He vividly imagines an end to technologized, industrialized civilization and a return to agragrian communal life. (We would add that he is missing the possibility of a regenerative culture centered on Nonmaterial Value instead of Material Value).
If Volume I lays an insightful framework for envisioning a sustainable way of life, Volume II: Resistance catapults this discussion into a passionate call for action. Using his premises as guidelines for exploring real-world problems, Jensen guides us toward concrete solutions by focusing on our most primal human desire: to live on a healthy earth overflowing with uncut forests, clean rivers, and thriving oceans that are not under the constant threat of being destroyed.
The Essence Of Parenting by Anne Johnson and Vic Goodman
Matrix Code BOOK0119.00
This is an extensively explained invitation to an excellent context for child raising.
Finite and Infinite Games: a vision of life as play and possibility by James P. Carse
Matrix Code BOOK0120.00
There are at least two kinds of games. One could be called finite, the other, infinite. Finite games are the familiar contests of everyday life; they are played in order to be won, which is when they end. But infinite games are more mysterious. Their object is not winning, but ensuring the continuation of play. The rules may change, the boundaries may change, even the participants may change—as long as the game is never allowed to come to an end. This is a key book for understanding how Possibility Management works.
Matrix Code BOOK0269.00
In the 1970’s in Maryland, USA, a lone woman – Valerie Lankford – sitting in a psychiatric care center – Cathexis Institute – was challenged by her host – Jaqui Schiff – to “learn to think while feeling.” Valerie’s inner courage and determined clarity created the Thoughtmap of Four Feelings. Within a short time, this simple ‘thoughtware upgrade’ got Valerie out of the hospital and onto her feet as a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (L.C.P.C.), and a Clinical Teaching Member of the International Transactional Analysis Association. During her long and fruitful career, Valerie helped thousands of people intelligently come to grips with their inner emotional world. But neither Valerie Lankford, nor the Transactional Analysis community with whom she shared her thoughtmap, could predict the breathtaking evolutions of human consciousness that would result from her invention. Four Feelings And What To Do With Them contains Valerie’s original Four Feelings pamphlet, along with several of her published articles, all sandwiched between a startling Foreword and profound Afterword by Clinton Callahan, originator of Possibility Management. By looking backwards from a perspective fifty years in the future, it is easy to recognize the extraordinary value of this startling innovation. We at Thoughtware Press are honored to stand behind the claim that Valerie Lankford’s Thoughtmap of Four Feelings is the origin of regenerative human culture on Earth.
Matrix Code BOOK0270.00
Children are naturally 'free range' learners. They build knowledge and skills naturally, within the full spectrum of their daily lives, while observing, exploring and pursuing their interests. This book guides any parent or educator in assisting that process. Studies indicate that adults who were homeschooled are:
- More likely to vote, volunteer and be involved in their communities than graduates of conventional schools.
- Read more books than average.
- More likely to have taken college level courses than the population as a whole.
- Tend to be independent and self-reliant.
Games People Play: the psychology of human relationships by Eric Berne
Matrix Code BOOK0268.00
Eric Berne is the originator of Transactional Analysis and Games People Play, a cornerstone of TA. Eric Berne discovered the Egostate Thoughtmap that Possibility Management expanded. Games People Play has practical, down-to-earth insight in facing into your psychological plays and possibility to exit the games in favor of Adult Relating. As we discovered: you have to dig through the mud to get to the sky, and the mud here is your Child, Parent (and we would add Gremlin) Egostates at play with each other and with other people's Child, Parent and Gremlin Egostates.
A must-read for any Possibilitator on the Path.
Getting Real by Lee Lozowick
Matrix Code BOOK0121.00
If you want to read a book from Lee Lozowick that Clinton Callahan recommends, you can start with this one. (After this, read In The Fire by Lee Lozowick.)
Gifts Of Unknown Things by Lyall Watson
Matrix Code BOOK0122.00
This book will expand your Box about what is possible for human beings.
Going Dark by Guy R. McPherson
Matrix Code BOOK0230.00
(NOTE: We recommend that you read this book together with others in a Study Group with some skilled Possibilitators so that you all can do emotional healing processes during your journey. Please take this suggestion seriously...) "We are the last individuals of our species on Earth. How shall we respond? How shall we act? If industrial civilization is maintained, climate change will cause human extinction in the near term. If industrial civilization falls, sufficient ionizing radiation will be released from the world's nuclear power plants to cause human extinction in the near term." In the wake of this horrific conclusion, conservation biologist Guy McPherson proposes we act with compassion, courage, and creativity. He suggests we act with the kind of empathy for which humans are renowned. In other words, he suggests we act with decency toward the humans and other organisms with which we share this beautiful planet. Going Dark is the story of one scientist's response to the horrors we face. This is a deeply personal narrative infused with abundant evidence to support its terrifying claims.
The Great Growing Up: being responsible for humanity's future by John Renesch
Matrix Code BOOK0123.00
The Gaian Road Team got to interview John in his San Francisco apartment in 2013. His book addresses an urgent collective choice: to opt for responsible adulthood over the largely adolescent ways we have been relating to one another and our planet Earth. The choice is accomplished through a change of thinking that supports a paradigm shift - from adolescent self-centeredness to adult responsibility for all life forms. Anyone willing to genuinely "grow up” can make this necessary choice. Ever-increasing numbers of individuals today are already growing in consciousness and are training themselves to take on leadership roles in bringing about the first conscious evolution of our species. This represents a mostly invisible global movement of historic proportions. John's book invites anyone concerned with humanity's future to participate in this new thinking.
Matrix Code BOOK0243.00
'Gr.Un.C.H.' is an acronym invented by Buckminster Full which stands for 'Gross Universal Cash Heist'.
With the appearance of Grunch of Giants, R. Buckminster Fuller consummates his panoramic lifetime survey of all aspects of the responsibility of human beings for their own destiny. Grunch of Giants portrays the rising multinational corporations in the paradoxical role of functioning both as the epitome of capitalistic selfishness and as the inadvertent vehicle for the dissolution of national political boundaries, the last deterrent to a one-world economy. The result is more subversive of the property and profit values of the capitalist system than anything dreamed of since Karl Marx.
High Noon: 20 Global Problems, 20 Years to Solve Them
by J. F. Rischard
Matrix Code BOOK0124.00
Taking responsible action depends on your level of clarity about what’s really going on as well as on the number of real options you can choose from. This book is so full of clarity and reasonable options that it completely changed my life focus when I read it in 2007 when there were already only 15 years left to solve the 20 problems. Now there are a mere 8 years remaining. If J.F.s asessments are even close to being accurate, you and I have front row seats to global collapse. Did you ever sit in front row seats at Sea World when the Killer Whale jumps? We are about to get splashed with more than a bit of cold salty water.
The Impossible Conversation by Dean Spillane Walker
Matrix Code BOOK0161.00
In The Impossible Conversation: Choosing Reconnection and Resilience at the End of Business as Usual, Dean Spillane Walker takes the reader’s hand and compassionately asks them to join him in exploring our global crises. He leads us past the realm of climate deniers, cynical corporate and government players and disempowered citizens – to a far more sober, clear and empowered place where we might reclaim our agency, regain access to truth in this Post-Truth world and stand for what truly matters. Walker does this by reminding us how we got into these predicaments In the first place. Yes, Walker includes the vetted facts and figures he calls 'The Sober Data' of our predicament, but the main thrust and strength of The Impossible Conversation is that we carry those data and projections into our hearts and discover how to keep our hearts open even when we consider the most challenging aspects of our present and near future. In The Impossible Conversation we are invited to intimately reconnect: with our own inner wisdom, with the miracle that is every other human and with our magnificent, magnanimous Earth. I urge you to take this book into your heart and allow it to become part of your blood and bones.
(Book Review by Carolyn Baker. PhD., author of Collapsing Consciously: Transformative Truths for Turbulent Times and Dark Gold: The Human Shadow and the Global Crisis.)
Impro: improvisation and the theatre by Keith Johnstone
Matrix Code BOOK0126.00
Here is a small handbook which is totally overflowing with amazing distinctions and exercises for building improvisational theater skills - crucial for Trainer Path. Keith Johnstone also opens the universe of conscious status transactions and the surprising resource of nonlinear possibilities that can be accessed in trance theater.
Matrix Code BOOK0128.00
The book to read after you read Getting Real. Relationship with a true spiritual Master is a transforming process that works on all levels of our lives; mental, emotional, physical and Divine. These chapters discusses the nature of this 'fire' and offer the clarity of direct experience to students. Various topics from the most mundane application of sadhana to the subtlest esoteric principles, revolve around the central theme of communion with God and surrender to His Graceful Will. This collection of talks is interspersed with insightful commentary by senior students which gives background and emphasis to the relevance of Lee Lozowick's teaching.
In Search Of The Miraculous by P. D. Ouspensky
Matrix Code BOOK0127.00
This thick book opens the door to incredibly clear information about holding and navigating space. It is about taking radical responsibility for things you never thought could be taken responsibility for. Peter Ouspensky was a student of G. I . Gurdjieff, a teacher from Eastern Europe who taught about "The Fourth Way - the way of the sly man" mostly in Paris. It is worth wrestling this book to its end. This edition has a forward written my Marianne Williamson... yes, the Marianne Williamson who recently ran as a candidate for the Presidency of the United States of America. What kind of shifts could happen if she had won?
Matrix Code BOOK0251.00
Only after writing a few books did anthropologist Carlos Castaneda realized that the notes from his first visits with Don Juan Matus held the real jewels. Out of this realization Carlos Journey to Ixtlan, which is so full of jewels that only one of them was enough to create an entire website for Possibilitators on the Evolutionary Path: 4 Enemies.
The Jump Into Life by Arnaud Desjardins
Matrix Code BOOK0131.00
This book describes what happens when you truly understand and therefore cannot help but live from the context generated by that little phrase on the Map of Possibility: “Everything is neutral.”
Leadership and Self Deception by the Arbinger Institute
Matrix Code BOOK0133.00
Here you will find a procedure for taking radical responsibility, starting with yourself.
The Life Of Milarepa by Lobsang P. Lhalungpa
Matrix Code BOOK0134.00
Milarepa's teacher Marpa eventually sent him to sit in a cave high up in the Tibetan Himilayas. If you go to that cave now you can stand in there and find a place where Milarepa left a message for all to see about what he learned about reality. There is a handprint melted into the solid rock made by Milarepa's hand during meditation.
Lifetide by Lyall Watson
Matrix Code BOOK0165.00
This is strange. I (Anne-Chloé) have looked over the global internet and could not find one description of the content of Lifetide by Lyall Watson.
If you have read it, and could write 2 or 3 sentences about what makes this book a source of Possibility, would you please send them to me?Lightning Bird by Lyall Watson
Matrix Code BOOK0166.00
Lightning Bird is the story of an archeologist in Africa who becomes as a man of 30,000 years ago to find the secrets others failed to find.
Matrix Code BOOK0170.00
Distilling the wisdom gleaned from four decades of activism and direct experience in both the global North and South, Helena lucidly deconstructs the old narrative of ‘progress’ through technological advance and corporate growth, while presenting a concise and compelling case for economic localization. Her arguments are supported by real-world examples proving that – beneath the radar of the mainstream media and far from the fetishized techno-utopia of Silicon Valley – healthy and vibrant futures, built upon connection to nature and community, are already in the making.
Matrix Code BOOK0148.00
Secrets of the Talking Jaguar (see below) is an intimate and heart-rending retelling of Martín Prechtel becoming trained and serving as a Mayan shaman. Honey is an intimate and heart-rending retelling of Martín Prechtel becoming trained and serving as the head of his Mayan village initiators. Both stories occurred at the same time in Martín's life, making the whole thing both believable and awe inspiring. Both stories relate to the ordeals and exertions involved in becoming a functional Possibility Manager and especially a Possibility Trainer. These are required reading...
Matrix Code BOOK0185.00
First installement in a series of 4 books.
"Pearce traces the growth of the mind-brain from birth to adulthood. He connects the alarming rise in autism, hyperkinetic behavior, childhood schizophrenia, and adolescent suicide to the all too common errors we make in raising and educating our children. Then he shows how we can restore the astonishing wealth of creative intelligence that is the birthright of every human being. Pearce challenged all our notions about child rearing, and in the process challenges us to re-examine ourselves. Pearce's message is simple: it is never too late to play, for we are all Magical Children."
Matrix Code BOOK0186.00
Second installement in a series of 4 books.
"A groundbreaking perspective on Nature's plan for full human creativity and intelligence during the teen years:
- Shows what is at the core of today's serious social and psychological problems
- Explores the sexual and spiritual stage of adolescent development
- Details the connection between adolescent brain and heart development and the issue of nature vs. nurture
Something is supposed to happen during the adolescent years--something greater than MTV, video games, and the Internet. Joseph Chilton Pearce describes this something as the natural mandate for post-biological development--the development of the sexual and spiritual senses and expansion of our growth process outside of our bodies and into the physical world that surrounds us. Though first written in the mid 1980s, the message of From Magical Child to Magical Teen is even more compelling and helpful today--especially for those who live with and work with adolescents."
Magical Child Matures by Joseph Chilton Pearce
Matrix Code BOOK0187.00
Third installement in a series of 4 books.
"Arguing that current birthing and child-rearing practices oppose Nature's plan for human development, the author reviews the stages of human development and suggests that Nature's plan includes, at maturation, a spiritual stage of development."
Magical Parent, Magical Child: the art of joyful parenting by Joseph Chilton Pearce
Matrix Code BOOK0188.00
Fourth installement in a series of 4 books.
"This parenting guide presents seven principles for guiding and teaching children in today's turbulent learning environment. It replaces traditional adult-child formulas, rewards, and punishments with playful interaction, creative intelligence, and insight. With the goal of raising happy, healthy, intelligent young people, the book adopts proven strategies that allow top athletes and others to perform at high levels, called variously "zone," "flow," and "play." Using these concepts, parents and other caregivers will learn how to create and maintain "Optimum Learning Relationships" with children of any age."
The New Manhood by Steve Biddulph
Matrix Code BOOK0135.00
We are saddened to say that we have found no book that satisfies us with regards to addressing modern patriarchal empire indoctrinated males about becoming initiated men. Steve Biddulph's is the best we have so far found. Most men's literature is steeped in the Freudian Jungian psycholanalytical context of modern culture which tends to leave out 3 bodies altogether.
No Reason by Clinton Callahan
Matrix Code BOOK0262.00
True stories of Clinton's twenty-one year apprenticeship with the archetypal mage, Lee Lozowick. Here are teachings learned in the streets while Lee Lozowick delivers immediate alchemical process. In addition to Clinton's articles published in the Hohm Community's periodical 'Tawagoto', and the Hohm Sahaj Mandir Study Manuals III and IV, No Reason includes never-before-shared distinctions, liquid states, private feedback and coaching, heartbreaking insights, incredible opportunities, embarrassing blunders, and startling breakthroughs. This book is a treasure-chest of hard-earned and never-to-be-forgotten evolutionary jewels... the training of a Possibilitator.
Occupy World Street by Ross Jackson
Matrix Code BOOK0139.00
This is the book which the Possibility Management Pirate Translation Team transformed into German without previous permission, and then, because it was already translated, got it published in German with Hirzel Verlag. In addition to giving an accurate assessment of current eco-political reality on Earth, Ross Jackson, co-founder of the Global Ecovillage Network, also gives us a pathway to establish a Gaian League of Nations operating around a set us sustainable values.
Of Water and The Spirit by Malidoma Patrice Somé
Matrix Code BOOK0140.00
This is one of the most amazingly clear and mind-blowing reports of African adulthood initiatory processes from the Dagara tribe in Burkina Faso. It gives you the idea of what initiation into the Archetypal Domains truly can be.
Matrix Code BOOK0267.00
Carl Rogers (1902-1987), founder of the humanistic psychology movement, revolutionized psychotherapy with his concept of 'client-centered therapy'. His influence has spanned decades, but that influence has become so much a part of mainstream psychology that the ingenious nature of his work has almost been forgotten. New discoveries in the field of psychopharmacology, especially that of the antidepressant Prozac, have spawned a quick-fix drug revolution that has obscured the psychotherapeutic relationship. As the pendulum slowly swings back toward an appreciation of the therapeutic encounter, Dr. Rogers's 'client-centered therapy' becomes particularly timely and important.
Open Space Technology by Harrison Owen
Matrix Code BOOK0141.00
A user handbook for a powerful and fun nonlinear meeting technology that uses creative sanctuary and parallel play. For an even more exciting meeting technology from Possibility Management, try using Torus Technology!
Original Wisdom by Robert Wolff
Matrix Code BOOK0142.00
This sharing provides a tacit understanding and experience about what is lost when modern culture extinguishes indigenous and original intelligence. 'Seeing' is a resource that guaranteed us a sustainable culture for over 40.000 years. Clinton have written emails back and forth with Robert over the past years. Clinton also interviewed him through telephone, you can listen to the interview on Next Culture Radio. He died in December 2015 at his home on the Big Island of Hawaii. His family did not protect his website. Clinton Callahan has since then made a replacement website (wildwolff.mystrikingly.com), uploaded all the files he had collected from Robert Wolff's writings, and invited others to send him any additional writings they thought should be shared. Robert Wolff would have liked this.
Parent Effectiveness Training by Thomas Gordon
Matrix Code BOOK0143.00
The source of some of our favorite Possibility Management thoughtmaps. A must-read book. For more see www.gordontraining.com.